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UWF Reading Group: Starting March 27th 7PM via ZOOM
UWF Reading Group: Starting March 27th 7PM via ZOOM Our church's United Women of Faith unit (the group formerly known as United Methodist Women), will be starting a book group, enrolling in the district Reading Program. The Reading Program is a cherished United Women in Faith tradition that encourages us to read some excellent books that promote the priorities of UWF. It brings together members in mission as they explore, share and discuss the books. The books are grouped into categories as follows: • Education for Mission • Leadership Development • Nurturing for Community • Social Action and Advocacy • Spiritual Growth Each year the national UWF publishes a catalog containing descriptions of the Reading Program books for the year. The Reading Program Catalogs are available on this webpage: The lists include fiction, memoirs, non-fiction, devotionals, and books for children & youth, many available as e-books or audiobooks. March's book (in the Education for Mission category) is “Finding Jesus at the Border: Opening Our Hearts to the Stories of Our Immigrant Neighbors” by Dr. Julia Lambert Fogg, a pastor and New Testament scholar who has been serving immigrant families in Southern California for a number of years. She tells stories of people she's met who have faced immigration issues, each story juxtaposed with a Bible story. Fogg encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and cross social, ethnic, and religious borders, just as Jesus did. The last chapter gives practical ideas for how we can help our new neighbors feel welcomed and secure. Email ( or call (831-332-2880) Stephanie Mott if you would like to join (5 books available right now so contact as soon as you can to start reading!). At the meeting, the group will be discussing what book on the reading list we want to read next, so come if you have a favorite you would like to share. We hope to read one book from each category before the August 31st deadline! Yours in Christ, Sherry and Stephanie UWF co-chairpersons